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Precis Writing Samples with Answers

Precis Writing

Precis writing is a useful skill for anyone who needs to convey information concisely and accurately. It involves summarizing a longer passage while retaining the essential meaning and important details. This technique is particularly valuable in academic and professional settings where time and attention are limited.

However, mastering the art of precis writing can be challenging, especially for those who are not accustomed to condensing information. This is where examples of precis writing can be especially helpful.

In this article, we will provide several samples of precis writing with answers, along with explanations of how the precis was constructed and what key points were included. We will also provide some tips for writing effective precis and discuss the importance of this skill in various contexts. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of precis writing and how to apply it in your own work.

If you’re new to precis writing or need a refresher on the basics, be sure to check out our article on ‘Precis Writing Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide with 5 Examples.’ There, you’ll find a comprehensive guide that breaks down the process of precis writing into simple, easy-to-follow steps. Once you’ve reviewed the basics, come back to this article to test your skills with several examples of well-crafted precis and detailed explanations of how they were constructed. With the right guidance and practice, anyone can become a skilled precis writer. So don’t wait – start mastering the art of precis writing today!

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Precis Writing Samples

Sample 1

Original Passage: “According to a recent study, people who eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The study found that individuals who consumed at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day had a 20% lower risk of developing these diseases than those who consumed fewer servings. This suggests that a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be an effective way to prevent chronic diseases.”

Precis: Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of chronic diseases, according to a recent study. Individuals who consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily have a 20% lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease than those who eat fewer servings.

Explanation: This precis accurately conveys the essential meaning of the original passage in a more concise format. It includes the main idea that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can prevent chronic diseases and the supporting evidence that individuals who consume at least five servings per day have a lower risk of developing these diseases.

Sample 2

Original Passage: “In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward remote work, with more and more people working from home or other locations outside of traditional offices. This shift has been driven by a number of factors, including advancements in technology, changing attitudes toward work-life balance, and the increasing availability of remote work options. While there are some challenges associated with remote work, such as potential feelings of isolation or difficulty maintaining work boundaries, many workers find it to be a rewarding and flexible option.”

Precis: Advancements in technology and changing attitudes toward work-life balance have led to a growing trend in remote work, with more people choosing to work outside of traditional offices. While there are challenges associated with remote work, such as feelings of isolation or difficulty maintaining boundaries, many workers find it to be a flexible and rewarding option.

Explanation: This precis captures the key points of the original passage, including the main idea that remote work is becoming more common due to various factors, and the supporting details about the challenges and benefits of remote work. It also condenses the language of the original passage to make it more concise.

Sample 3

Original Passage: “Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance to manufacturing. This is due to the ability of AI systems to analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, identify patterns and trends, and make predictions based on that information. As these systems continue to evolve and improve, they are likely to have a significant impact on the way many industries operate, potentially leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved outcomes for consumers.”

Precis: The use of artificial intelligence is growing in various industries as AI systems are able to quickly and accurately analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make predictions. As these systems continue to evolve, they are likely to have a significant impact on many industries, leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved outcomes for consumers.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the key points of the original passage, including the main idea that AI is becoming more important in various industries due to its ability to analyze data and make predictions. It also conveys the potential benefits of AI in a more concise format.

Sample 4

Original Passage: “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The Earth’s climate is changing due to human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This is causing a range of negative effects, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns. In order to address this issue, it is essential that we take steps to reduce our carbon emissions and transition to cleaner forms of energy.”

Precis: Climate change, caused by human activity such as burning of fossil fuels and release of greenhouse gases, is a critical issue leading to negative effects such as rising sea levels and severe natural disasters. Reducing carbon emissions and adopting cleaner energy sources are necessary steps to address this challenge.

Explanation: This precis conveys the main idea of the original passage, that climate change is a pressing issue caused by human activity and leading to negative consequences. It also includes the supporting details about the causes of climate change and the necessary steps to address it.

Sample 5

Original Passage: “Effective leadership is an essential component of any successful organization. Leaders must be able to inspire and motivate their team members, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and make strategic decisions that align with the organization’s goals. Additionally, good leaders possess strong interpersonal skills, such as the ability to listen actively and build trust with others. By cultivating these qualities, leaders can create a positive and productive work environment that supports the success of the organization as a whole.”

Precis: Effective leadership requires inspiring and motivating team members, communicating effectively with stakeholders, making strategic decisions aligned with organizational goals, and possessing strong interpersonal skills such as active listening and building trust. Cultivating these qualities creates a positive work environment and supports organizational success.

Explanation: This precis captures the key components of effective leadership as described in the original passage, including the necessary skills and qualities of good leaders. It also condenses the language of the original passage to make it more concise while retaining its essential meaning.

Sample 6

Original Passage: “The role of technology in education is becoming increasingly important. Digital tools and resources can help educators create more engaging and interactive learning experiences for students, as well as provide access to educational materials from anywhere at any time. Additionally, technology can help to personalize learning experiences for individual students based on their interests and learning styles. However, it is important to ensure that technology is used in a responsible and effective manner, with a focus on achieving meaningful educational outcomes.”

Precis: Technology plays an important role in education, allowing educators to create engaging and personalized learning experiences using digital tools and resources. To achieve meaningful educational outcomes, it is important to use technology responsibly and effectively.

Explanation: This precis captures the main idea of the original passage, that technology is becoming increasingly important in education and can be used to create personalized and engaging learning experiences. It also includes the important point that technology must be used responsibly and effectively to achieve meaningful educational outcomes.

Sample 7

Original Passage: “Social media has had a significant impact on how people communicate and interact with each other. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow individuals to share information and connect with others across the globe. While social media has many benefits, such as promoting social causes and facilitating communication between friends and family, it also has drawbacks, including the spread of misinformation and the potential for online harassment. It is important for users to be aware of these risks and to use social media responsibly.”

Precis: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have changed the way people communicate and connect with each other. While social media has many benefits, including promoting social causes and facilitating communication, it also has drawbacks such as spreading misinformation and online harassment. Users should be aware of these risks and use social media responsibly.

Explanation: This precis effectively conveys the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and drawbacks of social media and the importance of responsible use. It condenses the language of the original passage without losing any important details.

Sample 8

Original Passage: “Physical exercise is essential for maintaining good health. Regular exercise helps to strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, and improve mental health. Exercise can also help to promote weight loss and increase energy levels. However, it is important to approach exercise in a safe and responsible manner, with proper warm-ups and cool-downs, and to consult a healthcare provider before beginning a new exercise program.”

Precis: Regular exercise is important for good health, as it strengthens muscles, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and improves mental health. It also promotes weight loss and increases energy levels. Safe and responsible exercise includes proper warm-ups and cool-downs and consulting a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main idea of the original passage, that physical exercise is essential for maintaining good health and has many benefits. It also includes the important point about approaching exercise in a safe and responsible manner.

Sample 9

Original Passage: “Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming many industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. AI can help to improve efficiency and accuracy in these industries, leading to better outcomes for businesses and consumers. However, there are also concerns about the impact of AI on the job market and the potential for AI to be used in ways that are harmful or unethical. It is important for policymakers and industry leaders to consider these issues and work together to ensure that the benefits of AI are realized while minimizing the risks.”

Precis: Artificial intelligence is transforming industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, improving efficiency and accuracy. However, concerns exist about the impact of AI on the job market and the potential for harmful or unethical use. Policymakers and industry leaders should work together to ensure the benefits of AI are realized while minimizing risks.

Explanation: This precis captures the main idea of the original passage, that AI is transforming many industries and has both benefits and risks. It also emphasizes the importance of policymakers and industry leaders working together to ensure that the benefits of AI are realized while minimizing risks.

Sample 10

Original Passage: “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. Rising global temperatures, melting glaciers, and more frequent natural disasters are just a few of the consequences of climate change. These changes have significant impacts on the environment, the economy, and human health. To address the problem, it is essential that individuals, businesses, and governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean energy sources.”

Precis: Climate change is a pressing issue with consequences that include rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and natural disasters. These changes have significant impacts on the environment, economy, and human health. To address the problem, it is essential for individuals, businesses, and governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean energy sources.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the consequences of climate change and the need for action to address the problem. It also emphasizes the role of individuals, businesses, and governments in taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean energy sources.

Sample 11

Original Passage: “Education is an important factor in economic growth and development. Education increases productivity, promotes innovation, and leads to higher incomes and better living standards. It is also essential for social and political development, as education helps to build democratic institutions and promote social justice. Governments should prioritize investment in education to promote economic, social, and political development.”

Precis: Education is important for economic growth and development, increasing productivity, promoting innovation, and leading to higher incomes and better living standards. It is also essential for social and political development, building democratic institutions and promoting social justice. Governments should invest in education to promote development.

Explanation: This precis effectively captures the main idea of the original passage, that education is important for economic, social, and political development. It emphasizes the benefits of education, including increased productivity, innovation, higher incomes, and better living standards, and the role of governments in investing in education to promote development.

Sample 12

Original Passage: “The internet has revolutionized the way people access and share information. The ease of access to information has led to greater awareness of global issues and increased opportunities for communication and collaboration. However, there are also concerns about the spread of misinformation and the potential for online harassment and abuse. It is important for individuals and communities to promote responsible use of the internet and to develop strategies to address these issues.”

Precis: The internet has revolutionized information access and sharing, increasing awareness of global issues and communication and collaboration opportunities. However, concerns exist about misinformation and online harassment. It is important to promote responsible internet use and develop strategies to address these issues.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and concerns associated with the internet. It also emphasizes the importance of promoting responsible use of the internet and developing strategies to address concerns such as misinformation and online harassment.

Sample 13

Original Passage: “Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. AI is already being used in applications such as speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, and medical diagnosis. However, there are also concerns about the impact of AI on employment and privacy. It is important for individuals, businesses, and governments to consider the ethical and social implications of AI as it becomes more prevalent in our society.”

Precis: Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly and has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. It is already being used in speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, and medical diagnosis. However, concerns exist about its impact on employment and privacy. It is important to consider the ethical and social implications of AI as it becomes more prevalent.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the potential benefits and concerns associated with AI. It emphasizes the need for individuals, businesses, and governments to consider the ethical and social implications of AI as it becomes more prevalent in society.

Sample 14

Original Passage: “Globalization has led to increased economic interconnectedness among countries, with many businesses operating across borders. While globalization has brought economic benefits such as increased trade and investment, it has also led to concerns about the impact on local economies and the environment. It is important for policymakers to consider these issues and to develop strategies to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.”

Precis: Globalization has increased economic interconnectedness among countries, with many businesses operating across borders. It has led to economic benefits such as increased trade and investment, but also concerns about its impact on local economies and the environment. Policymakers should consider these issues and develop strategies to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and concerns associated with globalization. It emphasizes the importance of policymakers considering the impact of globalization on local economies and the environment, and developing strategies to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Sample 15

Original Passage: “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals, communities, and economies around the world. The pandemic has led to widespread illness and death, as well as disruptions to daily life and economic activity. Governments and individuals have had to adapt to new ways of working and socializing, while also addressing the economic fallout of the pandemic. It is important for individuals and governments to continue to take measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to support those who have been affected by the pandemic.”

Precis: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals, communities, and economies worldwide, leading to widespread illness, disruptions to daily life, and economic fallout. It is important to continue to take measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to support those affected by the pandemic.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on individuals, communities, and economies, as well as the need for continued measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to support those affected by the pandemic.

Sample 16

Original Passage: “The rise of social media has transformed the way people communicate and share information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have allowed people to connect with others around the world and to share their thoughts and ideas. However, there are also concerns about the impact of social media on mental health and privacy. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly and for policymakers to consider the ethical and social implications of social media use.”

Precis: Social media has transformed the way people communicate and share information, allowing people to connect with others around the world and share their thoughts and ideas. However, concerns exist about its impact on mental health and privacy. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly, and for policymakers to consider its ethical and social implications.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and concerns associated with social media. It emphasizes the need for individuals to use social media responsibly and for policymakers to consider the ethical and social implications of social media use.

Sample 17

Original Passage: “Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet. The burning of fossil fuels has led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which are causing temperatures to rise and leading to more extreme weather events. It is important for individuals and governments to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate the impact of climate change.”

Precis: Climate change is a major challenge, caused by the burning of fossil fuels and leading to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and extreme weather events. Individuals and governments should take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate its impact.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the causes and effects of climate change and the need for action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources.

Sample 18

Original Passage: “Education is a fundamental human right that is essential for personal and societal development. Education enables individuals to acquire knowledge and skills, to improve their economic and social well-being, and to participate in democratic societies. It is important for governments to ensure that education is accessible and of high quality for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.”

Precis: Education is a fundamental human right that is essential for personal and societal development, enabling individuals to acquire knowledge and skills, improve their economic and social well-being, and participate in democratic societies. Governments should ensure that education is accessible and of high quality for all individuals.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the importance of education for personal and societal development and the need for governments to ensure access to high-quality education for all individuals.

Sample 19

Original Passage: “The rise of technology has had a profound impact on the way we live and work. Advances in fields such as artificial intelligence and robotics have enabled automation of many tasks, increasing productivity and efficiency. However, there are also concerns about the impact of technology on employment and income inequality. It is important for individuals and governments to consider the ethical and social implications of technological advances and to ensure that benefits are distributed fairly.”

Precis: Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, with advances in fields such as artificial intelligence and robotics enabling automation and increasing productivity. However, there are concerns about its impact on employment and income inequality. It is important for individuals and governments to consider the ethical and social implications of technology and ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and concerns associated with technological advances. It emphasizes the need for individuals and governments to consider the ethical and social implications of technology and to ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly.

Sample 20

Original Passage: “Globalization has connected people and economies across the world, leading to increased trade and economic growth. However, there are also concerns about the negative impact of globalization, including job losses and income inequality. It is important for governments to balance the benefits of globalization with its negative effects and to ensure that its benefits are shared more widely.”

Precis: Globalization has connected people and economies across the world, leading to increased trade and economic growth. However, concerns exist about its negative impact, including job losses and income inequality. Governments should balance its benefits with negative effects and ensure that its benefits are shared widely.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the benefits and concerns associated with globalization. It emphasizes the need for governments to balance the benefits of globalization with its negative effects and to ensure that its benefits are shared more widely.

Sample 21

Original Passage: “Obesity is a major public health issue that affects millions of people around the world. It is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, including poor diet and lack of physical activity. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. It is important for individuals to adopt healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, to prevent obesity and its associated health problems.”

Precis: Obesity is a major public health issue caused by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, including poor diet and lack of physical activity. It is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Individuals should adopt healthy habits to prevent obesity and related health problems.

Explanation: This precis effectively summarizes the main points of the original passage, including the causes and effects of obesity and the importance of adopting healthy habits to prevent it. It emphasizes the need for individuals to take responsibility for their health and well-being.

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