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Precis Writing Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide with 5 Examples

Precis Writing

A precis writing is a concise and summary version of a longer text. It is a way to condense the main ideas and key points of a text into a shorter, more concise form.

Definition of Precis Writing

Precis writing is the practice of summarizing a written work in a concise and clear manner, while maintaining the original meaning and tone of the text. A precis is a shortened version of a text that captures the main points and purpose of the original work. Precis writing is a valuable skill to have as it helps to condense large amounts of information into a more manageable and easily digestible form. It is often used to summarize long articles, reports, or other written works for the purpose of highlighting the main points or ideas. Precis writing is a useful tool for writers, researchers, and students as it allows them to quickly and accurately summarize complex information and ideas.

The ability to write a precis requires careful reading and analysis of the original text, as well as the ability to identify and eliminate unnecessary details. It also involves using clear and concise language, and maintaining the original meaning and tone of the text. By developing your precis writing skills, you can improve your understanding, focus, critical thinking skills, and communication skills.

Importance of Precis Writing

Precis writing is an important skill to have as it helps to condense and summarize complex information into a more manageable form. There are several reasons why precis writing is important:

  1. Saves time: Precis writing allows you to quickly and efficiently summarize large amounts of information, saving you time that would otherwise be spent reading the entire text.
  2. Improves understanding: Precis writing helps you to identify and understand the main points and purpose of a text, which can improve your understanding of the material.
  3. Increases focus: By condensing a text into a shorter, more focused summary, precis writing can help you to stay focused and avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details.
  4. Enhances critical thinking skills: Precis writing requires you to analyze and evaluate the content of a text, which can help to develop your critical thinking skills.
  5. Improves communication skills: Precis writing helps you to develop the ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, which is a valuable communication skill in any field.

Overall, precis writing is an important skill to have as it helps to efficiently convey complex ideas and information, and can improve your understanding, focus, critical thinking skills, and communication skills.

Precis Writing Techniques

Here are some techniques to use when writing a precis:

  1. Identify the main points: The first step in writing a precis is to identify the main points and purpose of the original text. This involves reading the text carefully and taking notes on the key ideas and arguments presented.
  2. Eliminate unnecessary details: The next step is to eliminate any unnecessary details or tangential information from your summary. Focus on capturing the main points and purpose of the text, and leave out any information that is not essential to understanding the overall message.
  3. Use clear and concise language: Precis writing should be concise, so it is important to use clear and concise language in your summary. Avoid using unnecessary words or jargon, and try to use simple, straightforward language whenever possible.
  4. Maintain the original meaning: It is important to maintain the original meaning of the text in your precis. This means accurately summarizing the main points and arguments presented in the original text, without introducing any new ideas or interpretations.
  5. Keep the tone and style of the original text: In addition to maintaining the original meaning, it is also important to preserve the tone and style of the original text in your precis. This will help to accurately convey the overall message and tone of the original work.

Steps to Writing a Precis

Here are the steps to writing a precis:

  1. Read and understand the original text: The first step in writing a precis is to read and understand the original text. This involves paying close attention to the main points and purpose of the text, and taking notes on any key ideas or arguments presented.
  2. Identify the main points and purpose of the text: The next step is to identify the main points and purpose of the text. This involves summarizing the key ideas and arguments presented in the original text.
  3. Write a summary of the main points: Once you have identified the main points and purpose of the text, the next step is to write a summary of these points. This should be a concise and clear summary of the key ideas and arguments presented in the original text.
  4. Eliminate unnecessary details: The next step is to eliminate any unnecessary details or tangential information from your summary. Focus on capturing the main points and purpose of the text, and leave out any information that is not essential to understanding the overall message.
  5. Use clear and concise language: Precis writing should be concise, so it is important to use clear and concise language in your summary. Avoid using unnecessary words or jargon, and try to use simple, straightforward language whenever possible.
  6. Check for accuracy and completeness: Once you have written your precis, it is important to check for accuracy and completeness. Make sure that your summary accurately reflects the main points and purpose of the original text, and that you have not left out any important information.

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Precis Writing Tips

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a precis:

  1. Practice precis writing regularly: The more you practice precis writing, the better you will become at it. Make an effort to write a precis at least once a week to improve your skills.
  2. Use an outline to organize your thoughts: Before you begin writing your precis, it can be helpful to create an outline of the main points and arguments presented in the original text. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your precis is clear and well-structured.
  3. Take breaks and come back to your writing with fresh eyes: It can be helpful to take breaks and come back to your writing with fresh eyes. This will allow you to see your precis from a new perspective and make any necessary revisions.
  4. Use a thesaurus to find concise words and phrases: A thesaurus can be a helpful tool when writing a precis, as it can help you to find concise words and phrases that accurately convey the main points of the text.
  5. Follow the guidelines for length: Precis writing should be concise, so it is important to follow any guidelines for length provided. Make sure to keep your precis within the specified length limits, while still capturing the main points and purpose of the original text.

For additional inspiration and ideas for writing, consider checking out our blog post on “101 Inspiring Creative Writing Prompts

Precis Writing Examples

Here are the examples of precis:

Precis Example 1

Original Text:

“In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive world, it is more important than ever to be able to communicate effectively. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a business owner, the ability to convey your ideas clearly and persuasively is essential. One key tool in the effective communication toolkit is the use of rhetorical devices. These devices, such as repetition, rhetorical questions, and rhetorical triangles, allow you to add emphasis, clarity, and impact to your writing and speaking. By mastering the use of rhetorical devices, you can improve your communication skills and become a more effective and influential communicator.”


Rhetorical devices, such as repetition and rhetorical questions, can improve communication skills and make a person more influential.

Precis Example 2

Original Text:

“The concept of sustainability has gained increasing importance in recent years as the world has become more aware of the need to protect our planet’s natural resources and environment. Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations in order to create a thriving, healthy world for all. There are many ways that individuals and organizations can contribute to sustainability, such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and supporting renewable energy sources. By adopting sustainable practices, we can work towards a more sustainable future for all.”


Sustainability is the ability to meet present needs without compromising the future. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations. Individuals and organizations can contribute to sustainability by reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and supporting renewable energy sources.

Precis Example 3

Original Text:

“One of the most significant developments in the field of psychology in the 20th century was the emergence of cognitive psychology, which focuses on how people process and store information. This approach to psychology is based on the idea that the mind is like a computer, with mental processes that can be studied and understood. Cognitive psychologists study a wide range of topics, including attention, perception, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making.

By understanding how the mind works, cognitive psychologists are able to develop theories and treatments that can help people overcome cognitive deficits and improve their overall functioning. Today, cognitive psychology is a vital and influential field within psychology, with important implications for education, healthcare, and many other areas.”


Cognitive psychology is a field within psychology that studies how people process and store information. It is based on the idea that the mind is like a computer. Cognitive psychologists study topics like attention, perception, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making. By understanding how the mind works, cognitive psychologists can develop theories and treatments to help people overcome cognitive deficits and improve their functioning. Cognitive psychology is important for education, healthcare, and many other areas.

Precis Example 4

Original Text:

“The field of psychology has a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient civilizations. Early psychologists, such as the Greek philosopher Aristotle, focused on understanding the mind and human behavior. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, psychology emerged as a scientific discipline, with the development of theories and methods for studying the mind and behavior.

Today, psychology is a diverse and multi-disciplinary field, with researchers and practitioners working in a wide range of areas, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, and many others. The insights and knowledge gained from psychological research have had a significant impact on society and have contributed to a better understanding of the human experience.”


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It has a long history dating back to ancient civilizations, and has developed into a diverse and multi-disciplinary field. Today, psychologists work in many areas, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology. The insights gained from psychological research have had a significant impact on society and have contributed to a better understanding of the human experience.

Precis Example 5

Original Text:

“The field of education has undergone significant changes in recent years, as new technologies and research have transformed the way we think about teaching and learning. One of the most significant developments has been the shift towards personalized learning, which tailors instruction to the needs and abilities of individual students. Personalized learning can take many forms, such as using adaptive software to adjust the difficulty of assignments based on a student’s progress, or allowing students to choose their own learning paths and goals.

Research has shown that personalized learning can lead to higher engagement and achievement, and it is becoming an increasingly popular approach in schools and other educational settings. However, implementing personalized learning can be complex and requires careful planning and support from educators and other stakeholders.”


Personalized learning tailors instruction to the needs and abilities of individual students and has been shown to lead to higher engagement and achievement. It is becoming more popular in schools and other educational settings, but implementing it can be complex and requires careful planning and support.


Overall, precis writing is a valuable skill to have as it allows you to efficiently summarize complex information and ideas. By following the steps and techniques outlined above, you can develop your precis writing skills and effectively convey the main points and purpose of a text in a clear and concise manner. Precis writing requires careful reading and analysis of the original text, as well as the ability to identify and eliminate unnecessary details.

It also involves using clear and concise language, and maintaining the original meaning and tone of the text. By practicing precis writing regularly and following the tips provided, you can improve your understanding, focus, critical thinking skills, and communication skills. Overall, the ability to write a precis is an important tool for writers, researchers, and students, and can greatly enhance your ability to convey complex ideas and information.

FAQ on Precis Writing

What is the purpose of precis writing?

The purpose of precis writing is to condense a larger piece of text into a shorter, more manageable version while maintaining the main ideas and essential information. It is often used to summarize articles, essays, and other written works for the purpose of studying or research.

What are the key elements of a precis?

The key elements of a precis include the main ideas and essential information of the original text, presented in a condensed and clear manner. A good precis should also be written in your own words, without any direct quotes from the original text.

How should I begin writing a precis?

To begin writing a precis, read the original text carefully and take notes on the main ideas and essential information. Next, condense the information into a shorter version while maintaining the main ideas and essential information. Finally, rephrase the information in your own words and check for accuracy and clarity.

How long should a precis be?

A precis should be approximately one-third to one-half the length of the original text, depending on the specific assignment or purpose.

Are there any specific formatting guidelines for precis writing?

While there are no specific formatting guidelines for precis writing, it is important to present the information in a clear and concise manner, using proper grammar and punctuation. Additionally, it is helpful to include a brief introduction and conclusion to provide context and summarize the main ideas.

Can direct quotes be used in a precis?

No, direct quotes should not be used in a precis. The goal of precis writing is to summarize the main ideas and essential information in your own words.

Is it okay to leave out some information in a precis?

Yes, it is okay to leave out some information in a precis as long as the main ideas and essential information are retained. The goal is to condense the original text and present the most important information in a shorter version.

Is it necessary to include the author’s name in a precis?

It depends on the specific assignment or purpose. In some cases, including the author’s name can provide important context for the precis. However, in other cases, the focus may be solely on the content of the text.

Refer: Wikipedia
