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Best Bryan Washington Quotes

Bryan Washington Quotes

Bryan Washington Quotes

Bryan Washington (born 22 April 1993) is an American writer. He is 27 years old. He is born in Kentucky, United States. He completed his BA at The University of Houston and MFA at The University of New Orleans.

He is the author of Lot: Stories (2019) and Memorial: A Novel (2020)

To know more about Bryan Washington check detailed wiki and biography of Bryan Washington.

Here we present inspiring Bryan Washington Quotes from his books Lot: Stories and Memorial: A Novel.

Lot: Stories Book Quotes

Bryan Washington Quotes

“But the neighborhood’s changed. With our not-legals shuffling in, people who don’t have time for the violence, people whose only reason for bouncing was to get away from the violence, we’ve mellowed out, found our rhythm. Slowed down. You can raise a kid in the complex. Start a garden or some shit.”

― Bryan Washington, Lot: Stories
Bryan Washington Quotes

“Your eyes will show you what they want to, or whatever they think you should see.”


“She read beautifully, deeply. I don’t know how else to describe it. Eventually, I finally asked her what she got out of reading these books by old dead men, what the words on the page had to do with her. The kind of question an idiot asks. But she took it seriously, she pursed her lips. It’s just another way to talk to the dead, she said. It’s another way to make a way, she said.”


“Your eyes will show you what they want to, or whatever they think you should see. They’ll show you a happy family when all you have is bodies in a room. They’ll show you a man worth walking out on your whole fucking life for, a man who will leave you with three kids and a half-rotting lot, but because your eyes are your eyes and you know what you know, you won’t see the train until it finally hits you.”

Bryan Washington Quotes

“But then I was born, and he stepped out for a glass of water, and believe it or not he’s been thirsty ever since.”

Bryan Washington Quotes

“Denise lived in one of those walk-ups that look like garbage from a distance, then you get a little closer and they don’t look any better.”


“of course sometimes people see things. Your eyes will show you what they want to, or whatever they think you should see. They’ll show you a happy family when all you have is bodies in a room. They’ll show you a man worth walking out on your whole fucking life for, a man who will leave you with three kids and a half-rotting lot, but because your eyes are your eyes and you know what you know, you won’t see the train until it finally hits you.”


“She looked me in the face, and said, The thing about slow learners is that they eventually do learn.”


“But after the storm, they pushed the rest of us out, too: if you couldn’t afford to rebuild, then you had to go. If you couldn’t afford to leave, and you couldn’t afford to fix your life, then what you had to do was watch the neighborhood grow further away from you. (202)”

Bryan Washington Quotes

“This is how easy it is to walk out of a life. I’d always wondered, and now I knew.”


“He brought greasy sacks from Brothers Tacos, splitting the aluminum evenly across the carpet—but Poke wasn’t a fool. He’d seen the other boys eyeing him. He knew he’d have to contribute. He just wanted to know the stakes. Luckily for Poke, everyone had an answer for him. Before Rod, Nacho’d been another orphan junkie working the Latin bars on Washington. He’d lived in Humble with his aunt and some pocho from El Paso, until they caught him with the poppers. Then he needed a new situation. He hustled day to day before Rod cut him off at South Beach, snagging Nacho from the lap of some whiteboy by the door.”


MEMORIAL Book Quotes

Bryan Washington Quotes

“How often do you get to learn that lesson? That sometimes you just lose?”

Bryan Washington, Memorial

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